Visit the Confluence of the Baker River with Neff and Los Maquis Waterfall

If you want to know how to get to the confluence of the Baker River and the Neff River and then take advantage of visiting the Los Maquis Waterfall, continue reading that here we will tell you how.
Confluence of the Baker River with Neff

The confluence of the Baker River and the Neff River is located about 37km south of Cochrane and is located in the Rio Chico Commune. Before reaching this place, it is recommended to get off at Lake Bertrand, where the Baker River is born, and contemplate this natural wonder.

Lake Bertrand, is located a little before Puerto Bertrand. It is a large body of multicolored water with an almost crystalline color where it is not so deep. You may see some ducks and swans swimming in its turquoise-green waters.

Followed by Lake Bertrand, if you move a little further south along the same southern highway, you will have the opportunity to pass through Puerto Bertrand or pass by the outside part of it. I recommend you to visit Puerto Bertrand, which is quite small, and get to the shore of the Bertrand River, from where Rafting excursions depart and where you can contemplate incredible views of the Baker River that seem to be taken out of a postcard.

From here and as you advance along the road accompanied by this river, you will be able to contemplate it in all its splendor, with its great width and the swell caused by its high flow, which makes it the river which carries the most amount of water in Chile.

Its bright and deep turquoise color takes you into a silent contemplative state of deep reflection. For me, it is one of the most wonderful rivers that I have had the opportunity to see. Its turquoise waters are only comparable with the waters of the Petrohué Falls, at least from my current experience and knowledge.

Once you have resumed the Carretera Austral in the direction of Chile Chico, you will see a wooden sign on the right that indicates the point of the beginning of the trail towards the confluence of the Baker and Neff rivers. Once here, you can park your car outside and go on this beautiful adventure.

To enter, you must go through a small open space next to a kind of horizontal wooden gate. From this point, the trail is of low difficulty and is completely marked.

After about 20-30 minutes of walking, you will begin to hear the roar of the water in the distance, it is a wonder to hear its power, which is a prelude to the unexpected natural spectacle that awaits you in the corner. The first thing you find is the confluence itself, where the Baker River joins its turbulent and translucent turquoise waters with the calm, green and milky waters of the Neff River. But, this does not stop here. If you go a little further to the right, the trail will take you to several of the Baker River falls.

It is at this point where the true wonder lies for me. A panoramic view of a twining river that shares its beauty with you without keeping anything from you. Here are some long-exposure self-portraits taken at these wonderful waterfalls. A wonderful sight for the eyes, especially for those who love waterfalls, like me.

¿How to get to Confluencia del río Baker and Neff?

Private car: Place “Confluencia Rio Baker / Neff” in Google Maps.

Without a car: You should take a bus to the closest or most convenient location for you and from there ask to be taken in a private car, since the confluence is 13 km from Puerto Bertrand.

Los Maquis Waterfall

Another unmissable stop that is relatively close to the confluence of the Baker and Neff rivers, would be the Cascada de Los Maquis located in Puerto Guadal.

When I visited them, I did not know that they existed and I saw that there was not much information about them on the internet. However, I consider it a sublime experience to contemplate the wonderful view of Lake General Carrera from a natural pool that is located at the foot of one of the many waterfalls in the sector. From this still place, the sky is reflected and the immensity of the largest lake in Chile can be seen, in the background, with its wonderful shade of turquoise blue.

On the two occasions that I went, I did not have the opportunity to go through all the trails and pools, because I was a bit short of time. But I recommend you to venture a bit and try to discover all its waterfalls and points of view, I assure you that it will be worth it.

Additionally, I would like to add that there are numerous trails and not necessarily well defined, despite having visible signs at the start of the trails. There is a section where you must ascend through rocks without clear trails and that is quite vertical but safe.

It is a relatively short journey that takes about 20 minutes to reach the main natural pool.

¿How to go to Los Maquis Waterfall?

By Car: Drive to Los Maquis Bridge and once there, park and look for the wooden signs on the right that indicate the beginning of the trails. There are two of them and each one is a path. I only walked the one next to the bridge.

Without Car: Take a bus to Puerto Guadal and walk (5km approx.) Or ask someone to leave you there.

Author’s Comments

I recommend staying in Puerto Río Tranquilo, Cochrane, or Puerto Guadal to go to the confluence of the Baker and Neff rivers. In Puerto Guadal you can visit the Los Maquis Waterfall, a wonderful place, and eat some salty or sweet Quiche in a place that is in the vicinity of the square (I hope it is still there), unfortunately, it does not have a visible name outside … but perhaps if they ask, they can come. If you can go, try the almond one, totally recommended.

If you happen to see a bush with “chauras” next to the falls of the Baker River and have not tried them, I recommend doing it.


Ríos, Lagos, Pozones, Cascadas, Vistas Panorámicas.

El trekking de la Cascada los Maquis no está tan bien delimitado en algunos sectores y es de nivel medio. No recomiendo llevar niños a menos que tengan experiencia en trekking, en vista de que algunos sectores de roca son bastante empinados.
Horarios y Entrada

Libre y gratuito (al menos cuando yo fui)

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